Dental Implants Benefits and Risks: Stay Informed

Women learning about dental implant options

If you are missing teeth, you may want to consider dental implants as a potential solution for replacing them.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots. They are typically made from titanium that are surgically implanted into the jawbone, serving as a sturdy base for attaching replacement teeth.

After the implant has successfully fused to the jawbone in a process called osseointegration, an implant crown is affixed to the top portion of the implant that peeks through the gums. This creates an artificial tooth that looks and functions much like the real thing.

While dental implant benefits might seem like a no-brainer, you still want to take the risks seriously. In this guide, we’ll weigh the risks and benefits of dental implants.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide many advantages that make them a popular tooth replacement choice. Some of the top benefits of implants include:

Restores Full Ability to Chew

The most prominent benefit of dental implants is restoring your ability to chew food without worrying about dentures falling out.

The titanium posts fuse with the jawbone, providing stable anchors for implant crowns. This gives implants the same biting and chewing force as natural teeth. Denture wearers often have to avoid hard or chewy foods. With implants, you can bite into an apple or corn on the cob without issue.

Prevents Bone Loss

When you go an extended period of time without a tooth, it causes your facial contour to change and your jaw to recede. This can lead to a sunken face look.

Because implants integrate with the bone, they prevent this bone loss from occurring. Maintaining the jawbone volume ensures your face retains its natural shape and prevents a sunken look.

Preserves Gum Health

When the gum doesn’t have stimulation from tooth roots, it can cause the gums to recede and deteriorate. Since implants mimic tooth roots, they provide the necessary stimulation to help keep your gums strong and healthy.

Helps Stabilize Nearby Teeth

Bridges require grinding down adjacent teeth to place the bridge over them. This can damage healthy teeth over time. Implants stand independently without relying on other teeth for support, preventing unnecessary reduction of neighboring teeth.

Increases Overall Quality of Life

Everyone wants a beautiful smile they can be proud of. Whatever your situation is, there are solutions for you. Dental implants allow you to speak, eat, and smile comfortably again, which can lead to a sharp increase in confidence and self-esteem.

Risks of Dental Implants

While the success rate is very high for dental implants, that’s not to say there aren’t any risks.

Implants May Damage Nearby Teeth

One of the more common (yet still unlikely) dental implant risks is nearby teeth getting damaged during the implant process. The dentist will use surgical guides to ensure that surrounding teeth are protected. It’s also likely that any cavities will need to be taken care of before inserting dental implants anywhere in the mouth.

Injury to Surrounding Tissue

When drilling into the gums, there are a lot of surrounding tissue structures, such as nerves and sinuses. Without proper care, these can sustain damage during the surgical process. This is why it’s important to choose an experienced and trusted oral surgeon to perform the job.

Implant Body Failure

In rare cases, nearby teeth can sustain damage during the implant placement procedure. To prevent this, your dentist will use surgical guides to carefully plan the implant positions.

Final Thoughts About Dental Implants

Dental implants are the ultimate long-term solution for missing teeth. Whether you’ve been using dentures or simply going without, dental implants are the way to go.

While the dental implant benefits and risks are clear, only you can make this decision for yourself.

Working closely with an experienced implant dentist and oral surgeon can help reduce the chances of risks and complications occurring. While the dental implant process requires time, care, and financial commitment, dental implants can serve as a life-changing tooth replacement solution that restores your smile and enables you to enjoy all of your favorite foods again.

While the process requires commitment and care, implants can greatly improve comfort and quality of life. Learn more about dental implants!