Dental Crowns

Restoring Strength and Beauty

When your tooth requires restoration in terms of size, shape, or strength, Dr. Sonny Afshar or Dr. Fara Afshar may recommend a porcelain dental crown. A dental crown is a custom-made covering that is designed to resemble your natural teeth. Once the tooth has been prepared, our dentists will take impressions of your teeth, enabling the creation of a crown that perfectly matches your smile. After ensuring the fit and appearance of the crown, any necessary adjustments will be made before permanently cementing it in place.

Restoring Strength and Beauty Dr. Sonny Afshar

Dental crowns serve a multitude of purposes, including:

Dental crowns serve a multitude of purposes
  • Strengthening weak teeth and holding cracked teeth together.
  • Restoring broken or worn-down teeth to their original form and function.
  • Providing protection and support for teeth with significant cavities.
  • Anchoring dental bridges for secure tooth replacement.
  • Enhancing the aesthetics of your smile with cosmetic improvements.
  • Safeguarding badly damaged teeth or those at high risk of cavities in children.